Thursday, June 16, 2011

Looking Back...

Perhaps we served as some sort of inspiration for each other. In many ways, I look back, and I wondered how two people so different can feel so alike. In many ways, you are still growing up. You are in the process of self discovery and self exploration. As for me, I am doing the same as well but in different ways. We're both lost in our own minds in our own worlds. You are fortuanate that no matter where you go, you are able to make friends and find people who are willing to help you and be there for you. Just don't forget that it's important to always return the favor and be there for them as well. This is the only way we can continue the giving. I want to thank you for all the good memories we shared along with all the very akward ones. All in all, it was wonderful knowing you and I hope that our friendship continues in some shape or form.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Knowing you...

I know that you don't like to share much about yourself. But in order for me to trust someone, I have to feel like they trust me too. I don't mind if you don't share much, but I wished that you could communicate a bit more to me. I've been so tired lately everything and everyday is almost a blur. You are also trapped in your own world taking no interesting in my life so in a way, it almost feels like my life is no importance to you. Sometimes I feel used. Because I am nothing more than just someone to stand as a crutch for you here in New York. I'm not quite sure what to make of everything.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thank You

Thank you for telling me the truth. This is your second week in the city and I have to say that I haven't seen you for most of the week. Somehow we just happen to miss each other. Sometimes I guess things happen or don't happen for a reason.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 9

"Hi, it's ... This is my new us number. I got a bit ill yesterday, so maybe we can do another time... kiss."
Life is pretty curious. Sometimes you think you know a person when in fact you actually don't. It's funny how naive I can be sometimes. However, the thought of this mystery does excite me a little. It makes me wonder who else is there and what is this person like?

hmm.. perhaps this is why you are so secretive about yourself. Because your whole life would collapse if people know how you are building it. Sometimes I guess it's easier and perhaps more interesting to build a house of straws. But at the end of the day, you will have to spend a lot of your time invested in the upkeep of those straws. You need to make sure that it doesn't rot or fall apart.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The First Week

I'm not a writer. And this intimidates me a bit writing about a writer and a reader. I don't think that he will get through my writing. And if he does, he'd probably have to be very drunk.
It kinda sucks that New York didn't greet you as smoothly as the first time. Firstly, I was late to receive you, then your debit card failed on you, and then you just kinda fell into pieces a bit. One thing you know is that I'm always around when you need me and I know that you will probably be the same for me.

I'm really glad that you made it back and I wished that I could have done a better job in helping you settle down a bit more. Truthfully, my life is pretty chaotic. Just like you need things spelled out for you and put into a box, I need that too sometimes.

Hopefully, I will keep updating this throughout your stay here so I document this timeframe where you are a foreigner in my land and my life. Then eventually give this to you so then we can compare our thoughts.